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iRobot Roomba 8xx 9xx CHM gearbox cleaning

iRobot Roomba 8xx 9xx CHM gearbox cleaning

iRobot Roomba 8xx CHM gearbox cleaning. When 8xx Roomba stops working due to dust and hair build-up, a thorough clean of the Cleaning Head Module’s gearbox is required. Detailed description accompanied by images shows step-by-step how to disassemble and clean it. This guide is one of Avi’s guides on iRobot Roomba repair and fix guides.

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iRobot Roomba 5xx 6xx 7xx CHM cleaning

iRobot Roomba 5xx 6xx 7xx CHM cleaning

iRobot Roomba CHM cleaning. When Roomba stops working due to dust and hair build-up, a thorough clean of the Cleaning Head Module’s gearbox is required. Detailed description accompanied by images shows step-by-step how to clean it. This guide is one of Avi’s guides on iRobot Roomba repair and fix guides.

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iRobot Roomba Battery pack rebuild

iRobot Roomba Battery pack rebuild

iRobot Roomba Battery pack rebuild. Replace the 5xx battery pack with new, cheaper and more capacity. Fix faulty pack by replacing just the bad batteries. Detailed description accompanied by images shows step-by-step how to rebuild it. This guide is one of Avi’s guides on iRobot Roomba repair and fix guides.

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iRobot Roomba Speaker repair

iRobot Roomba Speaker repair

iRobot Roomba Speaker, Mute robot repair. When Roomba vacuum cleaner does not produce any sound, it is time to fix, repair or replace its speaker. Detailed description accompanied by images shows step-by-step how to repair it. This guide is one of Avi’s guides on iRobot Roomba repair and fix guides.

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iRobot Roomba Power Supply conversion

iRobot Roomba Power Supply conversion

iRobot Roomba Power Supply voltage conversion from 110VAC to 220VAC. Modify Roomba 5xx model #17062 US power supply to work in European countries. Detailed description accompanied by images shows step-by-step how to mod it. This guide is one of Avi’s guides on iRobot Roomba repair and fix guides.

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iRobot Roomba Bumper Sensor repair

iRobot Roomba Bumper Sensor repair

iRobot Roomba 9 beep or circle dance error repair guide can save you time and money. Detailed description accompanied by images shows step-by-step how to repair the fault bumper sensor of the 5xx, 6xx series. This guide is one of Avi’s guides on iRobot Roomba repair and fix guides.

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איירובוט רומבה – הרובוט שמנקה ומנקה ומתקלקל

איירובוט רומבה – הרובוט שמנקה ומנקה ומתקלקל

שוקלים לרכוש רומבה? יש לכם רובוט לשאיבת אבק איירובוט רומבה? iRobot Roomba כדאי שתכירו את הבעיות והתקלות בהן כנראה תיתקלו עם הזמן. סקירה קצרה על התקלות הנפוצות והרחבה בנושא הכשל במנגנון הפגוש של סדרה 5xx. טיפים והמלצות אישיות מנסיון רב בתפעול הרומבה. iRobot Roomba series 5xx faults review – HB

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