Rancilio Rocky Timer-Mod part 1 Introduction

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Avi's Rocky Timer-Mod
My way to a better coffee...

It is a mystery to me why in a ~$340 value coffee grinder, such as the Rocky doserless MD40, you don’t get a timer to control a dose grinding.
Rancilio from Italy somehow thinks this is not a necessary function on its famous Rocky grinder. You can find timers on many low cost grinders, but not on this medium cost ‘prosumer’ grade grinder.
With the doserless MD40 Rancilio Rocky, in order to get your coffee dose, you need first to turn on the power switch (that has no led indication). Then you need to push and hold a second momentary grind switch located on the lower front panel and make a guess when to stop grinding. There are no means of knowing when you have reached the dose you need, neither by weight nor by time.
If you are experienced, you can of course visually guess when you have reached 15 Gr. (or else) of coffee, but this is never accurate and you always need to manually monitor the action.
In addition, the location of this momentary button is problematic and unsafe.
For those who are used to preheat the portafilter in the coffee machine and/or if you draw some water through the portafilter to warm it or warm your cups prior of grinding, you might already felt the problem. Since the switch is located under the portafilter, while pushing it, your hand is under the portafilter and there is a good chance that some very hot water leftover drops from the portafilter will hit your hand, this is not a very pleasant feeling not to say it might cause some burns.
DISCLAIMER - Important!
This annoying functionality lead me very quickly to decide either to replace the grinder with another one that has a timer and better man-machine interface, or to mod it.
Since my Silvia coffee machine was undergoing some modification that I called ‘Mega-mod‘, I have decided to mod my Rocky as well.
Index of Rocky Timer-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Mod1 | Mod2
Buy Rocky Timer-Mod eBook
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