iRobot Roomba Power Supply conversion

by Updated: Dec 13, 2020diy-irobot-roomba0 comments

Roomba Power Supply conversion

Convert 5xx PS from 110VAC to 220-240VAC

How did I convert iRobot Roomba 5xx power supply from 110VAC to 220VAC / 240VAC mains?
How did I make a US / American iRobot Roomba 5xx power supply to work in European countries?
How did I mod (modify) iRobot Roomba 5xx power supply from 110VAC to 220-240VAC?
I didn’t want to buy/use a voltage converter for this power supply and since I have some basic electronics knowledge and soldering skills, I moded this power supply.

Note Please note that there are few PCB models for the same power supply,
this page relates ONLY to the PCB model shown in the following images which is of iRobot model #: 17062

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Image of iRobot 5xx series power supply
Bottom view of power supply after bumpers & screws removal
Image of iRobot 5xx series power supply – bottom sticker
In order to mod this power supply, you’ll need to:
A. Disassemble the PCB from the housing.
Image of iRobot 5xx series power supply – open view with top cover removed
B. Replace 3 components in the PCB plus mains plug if needed:
Needed components:

1. Electrolytic capacitor 47µF 400V (marked C1 on PCB)
Note Note: Take extra care to capacitor polarity when you place it

2. Varistor 14D361K , VMax=360 Imax=6000 (marked RV1 on PCB)
Note Note: After replacement, it is advised to add a shrink to avoid damage in case of blow

3. Time Delay fuse 1.6A 250V (marked F1 on PCB)

4. Mains Plug
Note For safer and secure operation, cut the US plug and add a mains plug according to the standard used in your country.
The US supplied wire comes without earth wire so you don’t need to worry of it.

Image of iRobot Roomba 5xx power supply – after the mod
C. Assemble the PCB to the housing, make sure the Green led is in place relative to the top cover.
D. Voila – you now have a working 220-240VAC iRobot Roomba power supply.

Have fun and enjoy your Roomba, Avi Clap

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iRobot Roomba DIY Guides by Avi

9-beep fix | power-supply conversion | speaker fix
5xx-7xx CHM cleaning | 8xx-9xx CHM cleaning
Red CHM mod | Gray CHM mod | battery rebuild

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1. iRobot Roomba contains electronics, some works on high voltage.

Any modification made to your Roomba robot may cause damage to your equipment and harm to yourself or to others. 
Any modification made to your Roomba robot will void manufacturer warranty.
None of the following steps is recommended by me nor by the manufacturer, iRobot. 
This post show only my personal experience and know-how.
If you follow any of the steps, you do it on your own risk and responsibility.

2. Copyright © 2011 Avi. All rights reserved. 

Content including all text and images in part or in whole may not be reproduced, retransmitted, stored, distributed, disseminated, sold, published, broadcast or circulated in any medium
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