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Where are Nikon serial numbers?

Where are Nikon serial numbers?

Where is my Nikon F100 camera serial number hiding? Where is my Nikkor lens serial number hiding? This is a short post that show the location of Nikon’s serial on F100 body and on Nikon Nikkor AF lenses. Serial are shown on images and will help you find the hidden serials.

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Buy DataCable-2 for Nikon cameras

Buy DataCable-2 for Nikon cameras

Buy DataCable2 for Nikon analogue cameras by Avi. This sale page is closed, obsolete since 2008. You can find here information about the data cable and accompanied software needed to download the camera data. For more information search for DataCable-2 project by Avi.

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DIY Nikon F100 MC-30 cable by Avi

DIY Nikon F100 MC-30 cable by Avi

Nikon MC-30 release cable by Avi. Using Nikon MC-12a I build a remote for both AF + metering and shutter release. This is an addition to Avi’s Data Cable project for Nikon cameras N90s, F100, F5. The post has detailed schematic drawing to help understand and build the cable.

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DIY Nikon F100 DataCable-2 by Avi

DIY Nikon F100 DataCable-2 by Avi

Nikon DataCable-2 build by Avi. This is the small production model of the data cable for Nikon cameras N90s, F100, F5. The post has details of needed components to build the cable plus schematic and images that show the cable parts. DataCable2 project is OBSOLETE since June 2008.

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DIY Nikon F100 DataCable-1 by Avi

DIY Nikon F100 DataCable-1 by Avi

Nikon F100 DataCable-1 build by Avi. For N90s, F100, F5 cameras. This is the first, a one-off model of the data cable. The post has details of needed components to build the cable plus schematic and images that show the cable parts. This is the basic for the DataCable2 project.

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DIY Nikon F100 Interface cable by Avi

DIY Nikon F100 Interface cable by Avi

Nikon F100 interface cable build by Avi. This cable connects to the camera, N90s, F100 and F5 on one side and allow different cables to connect to its other side. Data cable such as MC-33, DataCable2, trigger cable etc. The post also shows the 10-pin connector’s layout and wires color.

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DIY Nikon F100 accessory cables concept by Avi

DIY Nikon F100 accessory cables concept by Avi

This project is about building your own MC-30 release cable and MC-33 Data cable for Nikon N90, F100, F5 film cameras. The post shows Avi’s solution for creating reliable and cheap DIY cables. Although this project is obsolete, it still serves hundreds of analog photography hobbyists around the world.

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