DIY Nikon F100 Interface cable by Avi

Nikon F100
Interface cable build by Avi
DISCLAIMER – Important!
This connector is a custom one and I couldn’t find any second source for it.
Some newsgroups posts and sites suggested various ways of how to build your own plug
based on a PS2 plug or making a mold over pins for example. Seeing those fragile and insecure
solutions I thought this is too risky and decided to use an original Nikon plug.
I purchased a used MC-22 cable, split it and used the original Nikon 10 pin plug and cable.
(you can probably do the same with any other Nikon cable that has a 10 pin plug)
My guess is that Nikon placed the camera connector that way because the designers wanted to use an existing plug and this orientation was best from ergonomic point of view of the F100 and its flash socket. Well, we got a plug that fits several cameras, but we also got a strange orientation and not so convenient usability of it as well.

Here are the mapping of pins and wires colors.
Both images are FRONT view and represent real orientation of connector and plug.
Avi’s Nikon F100 cables project posts:
My concept | DIY Interface cable | DIY DataCable-1 | DIY DataCable-2
DIY MC-30 | BUY DataCable2
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