Rancilio Silvia Mega-Mod part 13 Power timer

Index of Silvia Mega-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Pressure Gauge | Brew+Steam Control | Brew Timer | Pre-Infusion
Water Level | Light | Boiler Insulation | Grouphead Shower | Drip Tray | Pump Drain
Power Timer | Insulated Steam Wand | Acknowledgments
Buy Silvia Mega-Mod eBook
Avi's Silvia Mega-Mod
My way to a better coffee...
DISCLAIMER - Important!
There are many options for timers in the market, mechanical and digital.
I got a digital timer that has 20 programmable on/off operations per day. Much more than I’ll ever need.
This timer came with integrated UK style plug-socket which means you need to place it right into the wall socket.
I wanted the timer to be placed in another place where I can see it and access its buttons easily, so I had to mod it.
This allowed me to place the timer in a more usable place on my kitchen wall.
Tip: When I disassembled the integrated plug, I made sure to seal the plastic housing where the plug pins protruded the housing as this area has high voltage in it and needs to be sealed.
Tip: My timer had a UK style socket, so to make things easier and safer without using any additional adapter, I replaced Silvia’s cable plug with a UK style plug to fit the timer directly.
Note that some UK plugs has a build-in fuse. Make sure either to use a suitable fuse (5A) and get additional protection layer for Silvia, or shorten this fuse to make it a regular socket w/o a fuse.
Tip: Using a timer can increase your electric bill if you don’t set it correctly. On the other hand, if you use it just for your needs, it will save you $$$.
To know how much it cost you, find out the cost of KW/h from your local electric supplier and make the math based on the following data:
– Silvia First heating = 0.08 KW/h
– Silvia On, idle mode = 0.37 KW/h
– Cappuccino cycle (Brew+steam+getting back to brew temperature) = 0.044 KW/h
(I found this data in a forum and it was collected by using a power meter)
Index of Silvia Mega-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Pressure Gauge | Brew+Steam Control | Brew Timer | Pre-Infusion
Water Level | Light | Boiler Insulation | Grouphead Shower | Drip Tray | Pump Drain
Power Timer | Insulated Steam Wand | Acknowledgments
Buy Silvia Mega-Mod eBook
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