Rancilio Silvia Mega-Mod part 2 Disassembly
Index of Silvia Mega-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Pressure Gauge | Brew+Steam Control | Brew Timer | Pre-Infusion
Water Level | Light | Boiler Insulation | Grouphead Shower | Drip Tray | Pump Drain
Power Timer | Insulated Steam Wand | Acknowledgments
Buy Silvia Mega-Mod eBook
Avi's Silvia Mega-Mod
My way to a better coffee...
DISCLAIMER - Important!
Before we begin, make sure to:
1. Get most of the water out of Silvia.
Heat up the boiler, remove the water from the reservoir tank, open the steam valve and run the pump until no water comes out. Then close the steam valve and shut Silvia off.
2. Disconnect Silvia from mains!
I disassembled Silvia in the following order:
Tip: The procedure ahead allows the reach for all the above mods. You might disassemble less according to the mod/s you perform.
Tip: Use right angle small screwdriver for the 2 top screws.
Tip: Use a flashlight to guide you to the bottom screw.
Tip: Start from top to bottom.
Take out each switch that you disconnected its connectors to clear room for accessing next switch.
Tip: Mark each connector so you’ll know how to assemble it later on. It is also recommended to use a camera/smartphone and take pictures along the way.
If you got confused, or forgot to mark it, don’t panic, use the wires diagram from Rancilio while assembling.
Tip: In order to gain more space for this task, disconnect other connectors such as from the heat element and from thermostats.
Tip: Using a magnetic screwdriver is strongly recommended for the 4 rear screws (but not only).
Since external parts are polished stainless or plastic, you’d like to protect it while storing it during the rework and handling of it. Wrap and place parts that you don’t machine with a protective material such as foam sheet, bubble-air Nylon or soft thick paper.
Attach protective film to parts that needs to be machined.
You’ll thank me for this tip later on when your parts will look brand new as before.
Tip: Don’t forget to prime Silvia before first use after assembly. Follow section 7.1 page 34 in the manual.
Index of Silvia Mega-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Pressure Gauge | Brew+Steam Control | Brew Timer | Pre-Infusion
Water Level | Light | Boiler Insulation | Grouphead Shower | Drip Tray | Pump Drain
Power Timer | Insulated Steam Wand | Acknowledgments
Buy Silvia Mega-Mod eBook
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Hi Avi
Just came across this after needing to replace my pump. Second time now but the machine is still going strong 20 years on now…
Just wanted to say that this is one of the best guides for disassembling anything I’ve ever seen on the Internet. The attention to detail is impeccable, and the tips etc. are so ‘on point’.
Brilliant guide, thanks very much!
Thank you Adam for for the warm compliments.
I try to do my best ☺
enjoy your coffee
Hi Avi. Thank you for putting this guide together. It is incredibly clear, and gives me total confidence to disassemble (and reassemble) my Silvia.
Thank you Emile.
I’m glad this guide helped you and hope you’ll succeed with your mods.
Have fun and enjoy your coffee