Rancilio Silvia Mega-Mod part 7 Water Level
Index of Silvia Mega-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Pressure Gauge | Brew+Steam Control | Brew Timer | Pre-Infusion
Water Level | Light | Boiler Insulation | Grouphead Shower | Drip Tray | Pump Drain
Power Timer | Insulated Steam Wand | Acknowledgments
Buy Silvia Mega-Mod eBook
Avi's Silvia Mega-Mod
My way to a better coffee...
DISCLAIMER - Important!
I of course, placed the LED in the external box where all controllers were located.
The LED I chose was a flashing LED , a led that has 2 built-in LEDs with an integrated circuit that makes the flashing between the blue and red internal LEDs.
Tip: Make sure to add a relevant resistor to the LED according to its spec.
R Ohm = (Vs – VL) / I
Vs= supply Voltage (=12v in my design)
VL= LED V (Forward voltage)
I= LED current in A
Tip: Anode (+) leg of LED is the longer leg of the LED.
Seeing the advantages of using 12V for few mods, I have decided to add a 12V power supply.
This opened new possibilities like the following light mod and some new alternatives for the brew/steam mods above.
Attaching this sensor to the tank while allowing disconnecting it (for cleaning purposes) was an innovative process.
The solution can be seen in the images. This solution involves a plastic pipe that has a thread on one side that attaches to the sensor and seals its wires output and on the other side, it clips to a standard clip that is connected to the tank.
Pipe length is such that its upper end is above water level. The pipe and sensor assembly can easily be removed to allow smooth removal of the water tank for cleaning and maintenance.
Tip: If more attention is needed to low water level alert, a 12V buzzer can be added to this installation. Its size is very small and it cost few cents.
Index of Silvia Mega-Mod posts:
Introduction | Disassembly | Pressure Gauge | Brew+Steam Control | Brew Timer | Pre-Infusion
Water Level | Light | Boiler Insulation | Grouphead Shower | Drip Tray | Pump Drain
Power Timer | Insulated Steam Wand | Acknowledgments
Buy Silvia Mega-Mod eBook
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